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Topics Các Mối quan hệ Đối tác

Có ba yếu tố then chốt đối với một quan hệ đối tác. Yếu tố thứ nhất: Mối quan hệ ấy được xây dựng dựa trên cơ sở các giá trị phù hợp chung. Yếu tố thứ hai: Mỗi người trong mối quan hệ ấy cần hiểu rõ mục đích của quan hệ đối tác ấy và cam kết thực hiện theo tầm nhìn hướng đến mục đích ấy. Yếu tố cuối cùng: Vai trò của người bán hàng phải chuyển từ bán hàng sang hỗ trợ. The relationship is built on shared values. That’s number one. Number two, everyone needs to clearly understand the purpose of the partnership and be committed to that vision. Number three, the role of the salesperson must move from selling to supporting.

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Let’s break down each of those three in just a little bit more detail.

Number one, the relationship is built upon shared values. What that means is in order for there to be a strong partnership between two companies, you and your client organization have to have a very similar vision. Common mission or shared values.

If, for example, one company values money over anything, profit over people. But then your organization is heavily involved in philanthropic work, or community service, or fundraising. That’s not going to be a good fit because your visions are not in alignment. You really want to work with companies that you can really partner with where you have common vision and shared values. That’s the foundation of a strong relationship.

Even if you have some disagreements about small things, those you can sort out, but you won’t have big philosophical differences around things that you just can’t change. Be sure that you have a common vision or a shared value.

Number two, everyone needs to have a clear understanding of the purpose of the partnership and then be committed to that vision.

Essentially, this means, you need to have clarity around why are we doing this? What is the purpose of this relationship and what are the mutually beneficial goals that we want to achieve? Do we perhaps want to partner and go into new markets together? Perhaps both the vendor and the customer can work together collaboratively to go into new markets and to expand their reach into those new territories. Is there something that both parties can gain from this relationship other than the exchange of money? That’s what a partnership is all about.

Clarity around that, what are the goals? How will we know that this relationship was successful? What makes a great partnership?

Finally, be committed to that vision. What’s our goal? What’s our purpose? What are our common values? And have commitment throughout both organizations to that vision.

Third, and finally, the role of the salesperson has to move from selling to supporting. This is what it’s all about. Sales professionals today, now more than ever, realize the importance of moving from being a vendor – the dreaded V word, to being a trusted adviser, a partner. Someone who can help their customers reach their goals. It’s not about selling. It’s not even about service. It’s about support.

Those are the keys to building strong relationships. Partnering relationships with your customers.


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