Topics Use Multi-Media
We have got to make sure we keep our prospects engaged during remote sales meetings.
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One way to do that is to make use of various multi-media tools, like slides, videos, and screen shares. This is critically important because people can get distracted quite easily over remote sales meetings.
People’s attention spans are very limited. The saying goes that a goldfish has an 8 second attention span, humans have 7 seconds. We have a lower attention span than a goldfish! It only takes 1 new message, 1 new email, 1 call and we just get distracted in this day and age of “multi-taskers”!
So you’ve got to make sure that your video presentations, slides and presentation materials are engaging and keeps prospects wanting to learn more. Remember, the key is to make them feel that you are trying to connect with them, and not “present” to them.
Make use of multi-media to make sure that customers stay engaged and have a good impression of you throughout the remote selling meeting.