Business Negotiations
It’s important to know how to negotiate so you aren’t left always accepting the terms someone else sets, instead you’ll be able to tactfully navigate the differences and come up with a solution that works for everyone.
In this course, we cover fundamental concepts of negotiating including how to prepare for negotiations, how to determine your BATNA, WATNA and Bottom Line and what it takes successfully negotiate deals.
It’s important to know how to negotiate so you aren’t left always accepting the terms someone else sets, instead you’ll be able to tactfully navigate the differences and come up with a solution that works for everyone.
In this course, we cover fundamental concepts of negotiating including how to prepare for negotiations, how to determine your BATNA, WATNA and Bottom Line and what it takes successfully negotiate deals.
It’s important to know how to negotiate so you aren’t left always accepting the terms someone else sets, instead you’ll be able to tactfully navigate the differences and come up with a solution that works for everyone.
In this course, we cover fundamental concepts of negotiating including how to prepare for negotiations, how to determine your BATNA, WATNA and Bottom Line and what it takes successfully negotiate deals.