Innovative or Disruptive Brand (cloudhosted)

Topics Innovative or Disruptive Brand (cloudhosted)

Here’s another great way so that you can differentiate your business from the competition.

Are you an innovative brand? Are you a disruptive brand? Are you a thought leading brand? Are you a game changer? Are you disrupting your industry? If you are, you need to tell your customers about this.

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You see, we’ve talked before about these established brands. Well, some of the established brands are quite stuffy —  they’re stuck in their ways. They’re old-school. Maybe you’re new-school. Maybe you’re next generation. We need to communicate that message to your customers.

So this is all about communicating your points of differentiation. They already exist. You probably have it in your business model. The question is, are you communicating that message to your customers effectively? Do they get it?
When they think of innovative brands, do they think of your company? If you’re an innovator, or if you’re a disrupter, but your customers don’t know that, you need to start communicating with them.

All we have to do is look at your Airbnb’s and your Uber’s of the world that are changing their industries. Maybe you’re doing something similar in your industry. Maybe you’re game changers. If you are, you’ve got to spread that message far and wide and let your market know who you are, what you do, and how you do it. And how that’s better and different from the competition.

Are you a disruptive brand? If so, let your customers know.


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