
Topics 特点和好处之间的区别


许多人想知道“两者之间有什么区别?”,这个问题可能会让人感到迷惑。因此,我将为大家澄清一下。 And it can be a little bit confusing. So I’m going to clarify things for us.

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Features describe what a product or service does or is or has. It really describes the specification. It’s more the technical aspects, or the technical elements, or the technical specifications of our product or service. So those would be the features. What it has, what it does.

Benefits, on the other hand, describe how it helps. Why it’s important; the value to your customer. So let me give an example here that might make this a bit easier.

Sunscreen, for example. Everybody knows sunscreen. Well, sunscreen has certain features, for example, SPF 45. So that would be a Sun Protection Factor of 45. So that would be a feature. Something technical.

Now the benefit of sunscreen with SPF 45, for example, would be it allows you to stay in the sun longer and enjoy your beach holiday without burning. That is a benefit of that feature.

Our understanding is that customers tend to buy benefits not really features. Those features are technical, it’s a bit more scientific, but the benefit has been more emotional. It’s about why the customer wants this and needs this.

If you can have a firm understanding of your product or services features — which are very important, don’t get me wrong. You need to know those and be able to understand and articulate those. But if you can also talk about benefits and why it’s important to customer, how it adds value to their lives, how it can help them become more profitable or productive. If you can do that, you’re on your way to closing more sales.

On to the next video where we talk about how to make bridge statements between features and benefits.


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