Đừng Đánh giá thấp Khách hàng

Topics Đừng Đánh giá thấp Khách hàng

Có một nguyên tắc thực sự quan trọng trong lĩnh vực bán hàng tư vấn. Đó là: Đừng đánh giá thấp khách hàng của bạn.

Điều đó có ý nghĩa gì?

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Now more than ever, your customers are better educated than ever before. They have access to so much information, maybe you’ve even encountered customers that knew a little bit more about your product or service than you did. Maybe they knew a little bit more about market trends or what’s going on in the industry than you did.

So let’s not assume that customers are unaware or that customers need to be educated. They need to be consulted and advised as to what’s the best solution for them and why.
But let’s not underestimate them, they’re smarter than we think. And they’re gonna come prepared asking a lot of questions and if you don’t have those answers you’re going to look unprofessional.

You have one job in one job only: To position yourself as an authority, as an expert, as a leader; in your field, in your industry, representing your company. So as I’ve said before you need to know everything about your products or services and your customer may very well too.

So please don’t underestimate them. Treat them with respect and know that they’re a smart bunch of customers today.

Now on to the next video.

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