Sinyal pembelian

Topics Sinyal pembelian

Sekarang mari kita bahas Sinyal Pembelian dalam proses penjualan.

Sinyal Pembelian adalah sinyal verbal atau non-verbal yang akan digunakan calon pelanggan Anda untuk menunjukkan apakah mereka siap membeli. Ini tidak selalu benar, tetapi mereka mungkin siap untuk membeli, dan kemudian tugas Anda adalah mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan lagi untuk menjelajahi lebih jauh. Not always true, not always confirmed but they might be ready to buy and then your job is to ask a few more questions to explore further.

Let me break it down for you and share with you what are some common buying signals.

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Number one is if, for example, they are nodding. If you notice that your prospect is nodding while you’re speaking to them — not nodding off which is an expression for sleeping but nodding, putting their head up and down. If they’re nodding during your conversation, that’s usually a good indicator that they’re interested and that they’re responding positively to what you’re saying.

Now, is nodding always a guarantee that they like what’s happening? No, of course, it’s not a guarantee but you would certainly take nodding up and down versus shaking head any day of the week. Shaking head is universal for “No, thanks” and nodding up and down is like “Okay, sure, maybe.” So you’re looking for nodding as your number one indicator of interest or buying signal.

Number two would be Leaning Forward.

If you’re speaking to a prospect and you’re sitting together and they’re leaning forward, that means they want to engage more closely with you. As oppose to the opposite which is arms crossed, right? Basically trying to run away from you. If they’re leaning forward that means they’re interested, they’re engaged, and they want to know more.

We’ve talked about nodding. We’ve talked about leaning forward. The next buying signal is smiling. Smiling is universal for “I like you and I like this.”

Now, in some cultures, people will smile sometimes when they’re nervous or uncomfortable. Kind of (awkward laugh), right? So that’s normal. But I’ll tell you this, like I said, I’ll take nodding over shaking head any day. I’ll take a smile over a frown any day as well.

Again, there’s no clear cut 100% rule around body language but you just want to start noticing these non-verbal cues to give you indicators as to how things are going.

The next one is asking questions.

If you find that your prospect while you’re giving your presentation and you’re demonstrating a few things. If you find that your prospect is asking you a lot of questions, they’re curious. Maybe they’re challenging you a little bit. Don’t freak out, don’t worry. Don’t be afraid of questions. These are a good thing.

Questions mean that they’re interested, that they want to know more. That they’re thinking about how your solution could fit in their environment whether or not it’s a fit and how it could work. That’s why they’re asking you question. So please embrace the questions.

Now the opposite of questions would be if they sat there in perfect silence and said nothing. Can you imagine? Has this ever happened to you? You’ve done a presentation and then you turn to your prospect and say “So, any questions?” and they answer “No. Thank you for coming in.” Ooh. I don’t think you’re closing that deal. Oh, it might be closed but it would be closed lost, not closed won like we talked about in the previous video. Not a good chance. You want people to ask questions, you want them to be curious.

Finally, the last tip on how to read body language positively in sales is when they’re making positive statements. This is obvious, isn’t it? But when your prospect says things like “Wow, neat. Cool. Oh, that’s interesting. Huh, I didn’t know it could do that. Wow, so cheap. What a bargain! This is great!” I’m exaggerating but you get the point. When your prospect is making positive statements about what’s going on, those are really, really good signs.

Be sure to pay attention to the verbal and the non-verbal language that your customer is speaking so you know what steps to take next in sales sequence.


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